barack obama is the new president of the united states. i'm thrilled!! i wish i could've been in the states to see some of the news coverage and to get a sense of what americans, in general, are feeling. everyone at work has been super supportive obama's win. even the random chinese security guard at the american consulate told me that he hoped i was voting for obama. "we want him to win." it made me happy to think that this man has inspired people worldwide. it's been cool to help explain political parties to the people who aren't used to the american political jargon. i feel like i'm doing my part as an american citizen. his win is a huge page in the history books, and i pray that he can follow through and clean up the mess that is our country.
side note: listen, i understand that there are people who weren't in favor of having obama in office. i get it. however, when you write "fuck obama" as your facebook status, you look like an asshole for many reasons. trust me.
things are quiet at hkdl. the halloween bull roar has passed, but i've already seen parade dancers rehearsing for the holiday parade. ugh. christmas makes me anxious. nicky is coming tomorrow!! nicky is a chinese herbalist who's coming to hong kong to visit her best friend. we met on the constellation my very first night, and for the next six months we had lots of adventures on the ship, in london, and every port imaginable. we drank, ate, drank, laughed, and ran that ship like it was our job. she's even visited me in nyc, and we, again, partied like crazy rockstars. i'm excited she'll be here. hilarity will ensue, no doubt.
You took the words out of my mouth.
(about the side note)
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