the little 500 is a legendary bicycle race that takes place on the beautiful campus of best college ever, Indiana University. (my opinion is not only biased, it's correct.) fraternities, sororities, campus groups, and non-university groups (called "cutters") form cycling teams and endure rigorous year-long training to compete in this bicycle race. the races are the backbone for parties, alumni reunions, day drinking, performances from your IU a cappella groups during the national anthem, day drinking, me skipping F250 one day my junior year to day drink before singing the national anthem house parties, barbecues, day drinking, and coincidentally, the performance week of the mainstage theatre's spring production. (imagine going to support your roommate and friends in sweeney todd. 8pm curtain + an 10am drinking calltime dont mix very well. trust me.)
some brilliant mastermind writer for the IDS (indiana daily student) designed this lovely, informative, and fucking hilarious venn diagram (who loves a venn diagram) about little 5 week. take a look. the shit is bananas!
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