shiiit. the holidays have worn me out. the last week has been full of work, shopping, dinners, and parties. it's been a blast, but it's also worked me just a little. let's recap:
saturday 12/20 - he had our lion king holiday party, which is basically a pot-luck/talent show. i made a tasty chicken and vegetable spaghetti dish. it was a hit. i was at a loss for the "talent" part. i hadn't put any extra effort to prepare a number, but after some coaxing, i sang "the christmas song" . the highlight of the evening was single ladies, performed by the "ladies" of festival of the lion king.
monday 12/22 - my little girl, ela, performed her last day of shows before she takes off for disneyland paris. i hosted a little dinner party in her honor. i made spaghetti (again), and we ate and talked til it was time to head upstairs for the WIG PARTY. jane (a princess) hosted a wig party, and lucky for us, otha has a nice collection of wigs. we all featured the party and had a blast. it was hits.
tuesday 12/23 - i decided that i should maybe do some christmas shopping. i'm notorious for christmas procrastination, and this year was no exception. after applying for my mainland china visa, i ventured out, successfully, to buy presents.
wednesday 12/24 - i finished up the gift-getting (never be afraid to give booze at christmas time, ps). i received some excellent gifts (scarves, wallets, engraved chopsticks). we all headed out for a thai dinner, and after dinner, we had drinks and desert in stephanie and david's apartment, but i cut my night short because i had to work the next morning.
thursday 12/25 - after work, the plan was to meet at victoria peak for japanese. after hauling it all the way up there, we find out that they restaurant is only offering a prix-fixe that would be about $60/person, which might not have been the worst thing in the world, but the menu was a little too random for everyone's tastes. our solution: bubba gump's. i had my first bubba gump's experience last night, and it was fucking great. i had a pomegranate margarita with an extra shot (served a la chilli's ultimate margarita style.) my dinner of baby back ribs and fries was only further enhanced by the round of shots purchased by stephanie's dad. (i called "scraps" on the non-drinkers' shots, ps.) all in all, christmas was celebratory and blessed.
friday 12/26 - my black ass is tired. i need to rest my bones because pat schuette will be gracing hong kong as of tuesday. i can't freaking wait. hope you're all recovering and resting up for new year's eve!!